About Me

About Us

Hi! I’m Erin, a secular homeschooling mama of three. We’ve been homeschooling for the last six years (minus a one year hiatus). Our kids’ ages range from 5-10 and we have a dog named Cozy.

I work part time as a piano teacher and my husband is a film producer. We live near the Wasatch Mountains in a 100 year old house that we renovated during Covid. 

My hope is to encourage parents in the education part of parenthood, whether they homeschool or not. We’re big believers in experiences over things and that transfers over into our parenting and homeschooling values.

We started looking into homeschool when my oldest was in preschool. I noticed she really struggled with the concept of letters. All other aspects of school she loved, but she hated pre-reading and writing so much, she would occasionally fake sick before school. It broke my heart that at such a young age she was already overwhelmed with school. We decided to homeschool for kindergarten with the goal to help her develop the skills and confidence to enter first grade. First grade rolled around and it didn’t feel right to send my high energy kid to school all day so we kept her home again. Well, then the pandemic hit the world and I was SO glad we had decided to homeschool. When everyone else’s education situation was drastically upset, ours continued with comparative ease. 

We moved in the middle of 2020, making it very hard for us to make friends in our new neighborhood. This was one of the main reasons we decided to send both of our girls to public school in 2021. 

We now homeschool all three kids through a program called My Tech High which is sponsored through our state and provides us with some of the funding needed to homeschool. It’s a K-12 program (not just for high school like the name implies!) and we’ve loved it. For more about My Tech High, click here.

A few years ago, I created a family history course because I couldn’t find a way to involve my young kids in genealogy that went deeper than making a family tree. Coming from a non-nuclear family, I didn’t love those anyway. Being a reader, I needed stories to go with the names. You can learn more about the course here

To me, education is so much deeper than the standard 4-6 core subjects kids are required to take in school. I’m trying to raise a whole person–someone who has a deep understanding of themselves and the world around them.

On this blog, you can expect to find help and encouragement in your home education journey, book reviews (for children or grown ups), how to’s on implementing a minimalistic approach to homeschooling, and some of our favorite experiences and tools. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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